How Much Protein: A Trainer's Guide

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The more time you spend with your clients, the more questions you’ll be asked about nutrition.  The limited time you spend with them in the gym is minimal to the time they spend without you consuming meals and snacks on their own time. Until their training and nutrition are efficient, they won’t get the results they’re trying to achieve.  While the topics vary from one diet fad to the next, one topic remains a constant:  How much protein do I need? Here’s what science has to say about the role of protein for health, body composition, and performance.

How much protein do you need?

To maximize muscle gains following resistance training, your clients need dietary protein.  The big question becomes, how much protein do you need?

With clients whose goal is to get leaner by cutting calories:

Studies show that 0.7 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day is best for retaining lean body mass—muscle, bone, and everything else that isn’t fat (2-5).  A simpler approach that’s not so mathematically complex, and one that will get most of your clients close enough is:

  • Women: 4 x 30g

  • Men: 4 x 40g

(Four meals a day with 30 grams of protein per meal for women or 40 grams for men).

Researchers account for two main items:

1.     First is the leucine threshold. This is the 2.5 to 3.5 grams of the amino acid leucine that you need to jump-start the muscle repair process.

2.     Next are essential amino acids, which provide the raw building blocks for muscle protein synthesis. As little as 6 grams of EAAs could be enough.

“With protein supplementation, protein intakes at amounts greater than [roughly] 1.6 grams per kilogram per day do not further contribute resistance training-induced gains in fat-free mass.”

For a 100-kilogram/220-pound man, that’s 160 grams of protein per day.

It’s much higher than your doctor would recommend (the RDA recommends 60 grams per day), but lower than the 1-gram-per-pound-per-day target that most gym goers use as their standard.  There may be other benefits to eating more, since protein is highly satiating and may help you eat less overall. But you’re probably better off filling up on all the other healthy, nutrient-rich foods that make up a balanced diet.

How much should you have at once?

The more protein you have in any given meal, no matter the source, the easier it is to get the leucine and EAAs you need for muscle protein synthesis and to hit your daily target.

To maximize the acute anabolic response, you need about 0.4 grams of protein per kilogram per meal, across a minimum of four meals per day. So the goal for a lifter who weighs 100 kilograms/220 pounds is 40 grams per meal. A female athlete who weighs half that much could would be around 20 grams.

Best Protein Sources

Encourage your clients to focus on whole foods most of the time. Animal sources like fish, chicken, beef, pork, and eggs offer the highest-quality protein for building muscle. They’re complete proteins, containing all the essential amino acids, with enough leucine to cross the threshold.  A serving size of 5 ounces of meat or fish will typically get you in the neighborhood of 30 grams of protein. Eight ounces will get you to 40 grams. For convenience, you can get 40 grams from two scoops of most protein supplements.  You’d need seven eggs or five cups of milk to reach 40 grams. So while they’re both great sources of high-quality protein, they aren’t the most practical stand-alone options.  If you’re getting enough protein from whole foods and supplements, you don’t need to pile on additional branched-chain amino acids. Two scoops of whey protein isolate, for example, contains 10 grams of BCAAs, half of which is leucine.


 Vegan protein

Many plant-based proteins are low in either leucine or EAAs. So your vegan clients have two options:

1. Use complete protein sources

These include:

  • Soy

  • Buckwheat

  • Hemp

  • Chia

  • Quorn mycoprotein

  • Most sprouted grain

  • Rice

  • Pea

2. Use more protein

In a study in which subjects were given 48 grams of either rice or whey protein after training, there was no difference in muscle growth over eight weeks.



You can simplify this list to two basic options:

1. Simple option:

For female clients: 4 x 30 (four meals with at least 30 grams of protein per meal)

For male clients: 4 x 40 (four meals with at least 40 grams of protein per meal)

Reaching 30 grams: 

  • ½ chicken breast

  • 2 chicken thighs

  • 1 cup of cottage cheese

  • 1 cup of soybeans

  • 1 cup of rice + 1 cup of black beans

  • 5 to 6 ounces of meat or fish (a serving that’s about the size and thickness of your client’s hand and fingers, or two checkbooks)

  • 5 eggs

  • 4 glasses of milk

  • 1 ½ scoops of a typical protein supplement

2. Math option:

Multiply the client’s body weight by 0.7 to get the total amount of protein per day. Divide by the number of meals and/or snacks your client typically eats.

So if the client weighs 200 pounds, his goal is 140 grams of protein per day—35 grams per meal spread over four meals.


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