Blood Sugar Regulation

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Ever feel brain fog, frustration, exhaustion throughout the day?

Depending on the foods your eating and the timing of those meals could be impacting your blood sugar!

Let's get sciency for a min! When we eat food it digests at a rate of speed and the glucose from the food is available for energy, depending on what foods you eat will depend on how high your blood sugar levels spike along with your insulin. 

Why does this matter, well sis it matters because if we are constantly spiking blood sugar high causing insulin to come to the rescue and open the cell doors for that glucose to get in. We can eventually become insulin resistant- our body doesn't notice the insulin (key) trying to open the cell doors it just keeps pumping and the blood sugars stay high in the bloodstream, so we aren't utilizing the foods we eat optimally for fuel! This overtime can cause type 2 diabetes and obesity if it's not controlled. 

How do we know what foods are fast digesters or mid to slow? This is the Glycemic index chart, my friend.  This chart helps us understand how quickly food is digested and spikes your blood sugar levels.

Higher Glycemic is like a fast car zooming into your bloodstream 

Mid-low Glycemic is like a slow car cruising into your bloodstream

Keeping the glycemic foods lower helps

  • maintain energy

  • no blood sugar spike

  • means no crash later (the afternoon slump)

  • keeps hunger cues lower

Higher Glycemic foods

  • spike high what goes up must come down
    this leads to the crash

How can we limit this and still enjoy carbs?
By limiting fast-digesting foods like high glycemic foods, that release a lot of glucose right away (the fast car) Focus on foods with a mid-lower glycemic index (slow car cruising into the bloodstream)

How can we limit this and still enjoy carbs? BUT what about when you want that higher glycemic carb???

Girl I know I love a bagel every now and then oh and a donut, SOOOO I have come up with NLC "No Lonely Carbs" this is what I teach and preach with my 1 on 1 clients .

When you pair your carb with a friend ie-Protein, fat, & fiber

You put a break on that fast car!!!! 🙌🏼

This means it reduces the speed of glucose into the bloodstream =less insulin spike

So living an 80/20 lifestyle of having low-mid/higher glycemic foods loving life but also taking care of our health!

But always pairing your carbs with friends is key to a balanced diet and energy throughout the day=keeping blood sugar regulated!

The glycemic level of foods does not indicate health just indicated the speed of digestion, I say this because some fruits have a higher glycemic value this is why it's important to always have meals with NLC no matter their glycemic index or health value!

This is a great step you can incorporate into your nutrition today and your family this is so easy to teach to kids of any age! As well as making sure your eating every 3-4 hours so we do not get that blood sugar dip from not eating at all. I know you mommas are busy and running crazy but if you want a healthy life you have to fuel your body with food. 3 meals and 2 snacks are ideal or 4 meals 2 snacks if your body requires more calories.

Eat to thrive!!

Questions email me anytime! @ 
Get my FREE #macro101 guide HERE


The Author

Lindsay Saenz, NFPA-CPT, NCIL1, PN1, NCIL2, is a personal health/life coach and the owner and creator of The M4 Method 4 Moms, the Momstrong365 movement for moms/women helping with nutrition and fitness guidance. Owner of LS Fitness and Beauty LLC,